Sunday, 7 March 2010


Prostitution is a controversial issue. This is mainly because we can divide prostitution into two categories; people who are forced into prostitution and those who chose to participate through their own free will. It seems less of a “bad” thing for people to prostitute themselves through choice and you could in fact argue that it is more wrong that people actually illicit their services therefore they make prostitution “bad”. By this I mean married men or women entering into the act and consequently committing adultery.

There are some who are not given the choice and are forced into prostitution. In some cases they already have a drug addiction and need to sell their bodies in order to fund the habit and in others young people are exploited and lured into the trade under false pretenses. At the BBC website$366674.htm there are many examples including a case in Wales where a 61 year old man lied to young girls in chat rooms about his age and exploited them for his own sexual pleasure.

Another factor to take into consideration is the idea that prostitutes are “bad people” who take drugs, have sexually transmitted diseases, drink too much alcohol and commit anti-social acts. This website$366674.htm talks a lot about these issues but does not in fact provide evidence to support that prostitution causes the high crime rates or if it is merely a correlation where we read what they want us to read.

It seems clear that prostitution can be “bad” but that it is not intrinsically “bad”.

1 comment:

  1. Im not sure if there are poeple who get involved with prostitution with their own free will. I think there are different categories of prostitutes though, there are those who are forced into by other people who abuse the postitutes by playing on their weaknesses, such as drug addictions. However when you stated that the other category would be people who choose the life of a prostitute it made me think, because I would have thought prostitution would only be an option when it looked like it was the last option. people who enter prostitution under their own control are only doing so because they feel that there is no other way they can get enough money to pay their way through life. I would have thought some women would wait until they were desperate for money before they would decide to go into prostitution and therefore they feel they are left with no choice.
