Saturday, 17 April 2010


When we see people with tattoos we normally associate them with being rebellious or a rogue and this therefore leads to us believing them to be “bad”. This is however not always the case.

Tattoos although a controversial topic are not just ink beneath the skin, they can also be seen as art. They are not done by unskilled or talentless people; they are done by those who have been trained in that particular area of expertise. It is a similar concept to graffiti. Someone writing “your mom” on a wall isn’t art in the same way as a poorly done tattoo is not, but when someone is skilled enough to make graffiti art it is similar to a good tattoo.

Some people have tattoos as a tribute to the memory of a deceased love one. In this case we think of them as less bad because we can sympathise and understand why they want something to remind them of said love one forever. There are however medical issues concerning tattoos. This website highlights these concerns;

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