Sunday, 18 April 2010


Stealing is another controversial issue. In some case we are more likely to accept that a person is more justified in committing that action.

If someone who was rich was found to be stealing we would find this to be “bad” because they do not need to steal, they have the money to buy the items instead. It seems alien that when someone has enough money to buy whatever it is they desire that they instead feel the need to take it instead.

We would however have more sympathy and understanding for those who cannot afford food or drink. If you cannot afford to live it would force you to do things that are not normally in character or acceptable behaviour. For example I would not go into a supermarket and put a sandwich in my bag and walk out with it because I have the money to pay for it, but if I was poor and starving I would feel like I was left with no option.
This is an interesting article on shoplifting

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